Sunday, August 24, 2014

Relief Society Lesson (8/24/14)

The Witness [Boyd K. Packer] ~Taught by Kelly Sitton

The Witness Video Highlight

Key Doctrines

  1. D&C 130:18 - We will take knowledge with us
  2. God lives; He is our Father
  3. Marriage and children are promised to the faithful
  4. The Holy Ghost is real
  5. The adversary is real
  6. Jesus Christ lives; He loves us
  7. We can each gain a testimony

Call to Action

  1. Diligence, obedience, personal prayer, pondering, fasting and scripture study
  2. Understand that he is our father; treat parenthood as sacred
  3. Make and keep sacred covenants
  4. Righteous living
  5. Decide to follow the Savior and remain on His side
  6. Take upon us His name; follow Christ
  7. Gain our own personal testimony and share it

Promised Blessings

  1. Impressions, revelations, whispering of the Spirit, instruction from on high, will be taken with us into the next life
  2. Happiness at home
  3. Eternal marriage in this life or the next; eternal increase; all blessings
  4. Constant companionship of the Holy Ghost; know the truth; comfort, guidance and correction
  5. Protection from the Adversary and consequences of bad decisions if we aren't following Christ
  6. A light to follow; eternal life
  7. A testimony, an anchor and a sure knowledge; forgiveness of our sins

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