Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday Lesson Summary - Lisa H. (Sept 22nd)

How do you feel when you are at home?
1.      Kendra-I feel safe and accepted.  At school I feel super stressed out.  I’m constantly trying to work with other people.  I know I can let go and be me and know I’m loved no matter what.
2.      McKyla-My parents have done a really good job making our home a place of refuge.  We have uplifting pictures and gospel things throughout the house that make it easy to feel the Spirit.  Never too loud.  Always a place where we can be together.  The central point is the kitchen.  Easy to always be together but you can be alone if you need to be.  The Spirit is very strong. 
3.      Rachel-  At school we have to get around by ourselves and get our stuff done by ourselves.  At home you have a lot more help.  Less noisy, less contention, lots of drama at school.  You get to relax at home. 
4.      Bella-When I’m at home.  It’s fun.  I get to see my siblings.  It’s always always an escape from world.  It's a safety zone in the game of life.  Not everyone at school has same values.  Hear al ot of swearing.  Immodesty.  Not as comfortable.
5.      Brooklyn-  1.  I feel really good because I’m surrounded by people that I love.  I know I’m protected.  At school I feel more like I have to try harder to keep the Spirit.  I don’t feel as protected.  There are people around me that don’t do or say good things.
6.      Brianna-At home it's a peaceful environment..  School is hectic. 
7.      Lizzy-  Comfort, school-a lot of negativity, a lot of little worldy things.  A drastic difference.  Quiet, peaceful, relaxing inviting.
8.      Andrea B-1. Whenever I come home from school and see mom and sisters I feel relief.  There isn’t any outside influences.  nice calm peaceful, love there.   School is constantly moving/thinking.  Home is calm and relaxing. 

What kinds of things bring the Spirit into your home?
1.      Kendra-We do family scripture study as much as we can.  Try to talk about the gospel.  Try to listen to good music.  Make sure we are praying together and have family time.
2.      McKyla -When I come home I like to have my IPOD hooked up to Ihome.  I have a happy playlist, mainly EFY songs.  Songs that are really invite the Spirit. Fact my family is home is central.  We see each other a lot. 
3.      Rachel We read scriptures in the morning, mom makes sure there are pictures of family and Jesus,
4.      Bella-We read the scriptures as a family every morning.  Hugs after family prayer.  We are nice to each other.
5.      Brooklyn-We do scriptures reading every night.  We dress modestly.  We used good language.  We love each other.
6.      Brianna  Spending time as a family, reading scriptures, playing music.
7.      Lizzy-Whenever we read scriptures it actually helps us bond.  I’m kind of reluctant, but it gives quality time together.
8.      Andrea-FHE evening, family dinner, talk about our days, family prayer

What do others do for you that you like?
1.      Kendra-They are always willing to help me make snacks.  My mom will get up and get a lunch together before seminary.  They are always willing to help me when I’m having a down day. 
2.      McKyla-Dad second he gets home he always wants to do something with me.  Go run to Lowes.  Run an errand.  Work on car.  Pull me away to have a few minutes with me.  My mom she always asks me how my day has been.  She’ll come in my room and talk from 5 minutes to an hour.  She’ll lend an ear. 
3.      Rachel I like when my family compliments me, helps me, when I have a problem they don’t go tell other people
4.      Bella-I like it when Michael comes up to me and spend time with me.  Jane too.  Rachel shares clothes.  Time spent.
5.      Brooklyn-I know during the day she helps she cleans the house, she cooks for us, my dad goes to work and makes money.  That is really nice of them. 
6.      Brianna- I like it when they ask how my day was.  We work together on something.
7.      Lizzy-I like when my dad cook.  When my mom does my laundry.  Quality time we’ll just go to farmer’s market.  Awesome to be together. 
8.      Andrea-3-Mom makes her bed.  Olivia and Caroline give her a hug.  Play a game.

What do you like to do for others?
1.      Kendra-I like to spend time with them one on one.  I like reading to Sierra and picking Kaelynn up from school.  Spending one on one time together.
2.      McKyla-Recently as I’ve become a ward missionary and received my patriarchal blessing, I like to do service with missionaries or around house.  Take little brother out so my parents can be alone.  Important to me doing things without being asked.  Makes the Spirit a lot more.
3.      Rachel Really like to give gifts, love going shopping for everything finding that thing they’ll love opening, love helping little kids.
4.      Bella-I like to surprise them with chocolate.  Have fun.  Make them laugh.
5.      Brooklyn  I like to bake.  I like whenever they need help I try to do the best that I can to help. 
6.      Brianna- I like to make them food.  I like to spend time with them. 
7.      Lizzy-I try and hang out with them in stead of having them come to me  We are all super busy.  Try to help with dishes.  Keep area clean upstairs so they don’t have to stress. 
8.      Andrea- 4-I like writing little notes to them if they have a test that day.  I like surprising mom by helping fold laundry, dishes, helping.

How does technology help you to feel the Spirit?
Kendra-I think it depends on how much and when you use it.  I feel like it takes away from the Spirit as we are not as focused, but it can help us reach so many more people.  I like to use paper scriptures, paper journal, and really think about what I’m doing. 
McKyla-Technology can definitely hinder you.  Images you see.  Harsh music.  But I feel like when used in the right way, like I love to have music playing all the time.  Family will get together and watch movies and helps unity and Spirit.  
Rachel -During church distracting to some people, helpful if used for lesson.  Church videos.  Texting is nice to be able to talk to friends but you have to keep priorities straight.
Bella- Depends on what I’m doing with my technology.  Limit myself from media.  Depends on what you are doing.  How long.  Most of time hinders, but it can be used to help 
Brooklyn-Sometimes it helps me because we watch church videos from LDS org. 

Lizzy-Technology is both.  Can be used for good and bad.  We can have the gospel at our fingertips but we can have other things at our fingertips.  Doesn’t have to be pornography.  More like watching movies.  I think of Good better best.  Easy to be distracted by it.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mission Possible

Just a few of the fun moments and sweet notes from our Visiting Teaching Conference. Thanks to all who helped and came to participate! Hope to see everyone else at the next activity!

Visiting teaching helps:
-Take note of talents, likes, dislikes, etc., of those you visit teach and also your companion.
-Know their birthday and the birthday of children if any
-Don't ask if you can help with anything, just do it! If there is laundry on the couch, start folding.

Head Chef Barney Spoke with his dear wife by his side.

Our sisters tried on various disguises to find the best fit ;)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"That We May Become One" Sunday Lesson Chapter 16

Units of one:
-Members of Church

1. When we are united in the gospel, the Lord shows the world His character through us.
If each of us loved our neighbors as ourselves and cared for and supported them, imagine the difference it would make in both lives. "If we truly live what we believe, we will be a light" -Stacy Gurel Be a part of the community. Give them a good experience with church members. Do not be afraid to let them know we are more then good Christian people, we are good Christian LDS people. 

2. Unity starts at home. Do not criticize your spouse in front of the children. Try to perfect yourself, not others.

3. We can gain unity through extra works of love and goodwill. Let your light shine a little more. Look around at those who have been brought into your lives to serve and love. Give to the General Missionary Fund when you can. There are so many young missionaries right now willing to serve and a lot of them come from humble backgrounds.

4. Forgiveness is key to unity within the ward, community, home, etc.We automatically judge people who are different from us. We need to love and accept them and those differences. We all have different talents and abilities and choices. It is not our place to judge someone for theirs.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 important upcoming dates

Just a few notes Ladies...

Did you know that *even* old and deactivated cell phones can still call 9-1-1?*
Trade your old/deactivated cell phones for a toy
AND help others! Donated cell phones will go to Secure The Call, a non-profit organization that provides emergency cell phones for victims of domestic violence, senior citizens, and law enforcement agencies.
(Working/Non-Working, Charger or No Charger!)
NWA Preparedness Fair 
Saturday, Sept. 7th 9am-2pm
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1101 McCollum Rd in Bentonville

2 - Several expressed interest in doing blankets to send to Sister Wells son and others in the hospital in Utah (She is Relief Society President in Bentonville 1st ward. She is Jacob Wells Mom). Sis Howell was very kind and donated several bolts of fleece and the humanitarian aid committee has run with this and at the October additional relief society meeting we are going to turn the fleece into blankets and mail to the hospital in need of them. So to those who volunteered to do this thank you and please come to that meeting for a blanket tying time.  And a super big thank you to sis Howell for the fleece!

3 - September 22nd is the primary program. Please help kids prepare and learn parts for this.  Brother Howell, the ward mission leader has asked that when we have wonderful opportunities like this at our church that we think about those that may enjoy such a program and extend an invitation to them (your non member neighbors and friends).

4 - September 26th will be our Visiting Teaching Conference.

5 - (lastly) The Stake Relief Society Presidency is hosting a dinner at 5 p.m. on September 28th before the General Relief Society Broadcast (starts at 7 p.m.)- so mark your calendars. And our relief society has been given the opportunity to provide 4 fruit salads that serve 20 each.  So watch for sign up sheets and emails for this.