Sunday, June 10, 2012

Book Group Information


Message from Jerushia:

Hello ladies,
Book group will be at my home this Wednesday at noon. We are reading Lighten Up by Chieko Okazaki. A few have asked if I'm doing pizza...not sure I'm up for full on pizza making. So, I'm making pizza rolls, but we'll need a few more things to complete lunch. Please sign up below, if you want to bring something different please feel free to add it to the list :) Please sign up by posting a comment below. (Click on the “COMMENTS” LINK below the post to submit a comment).

Green Salad
Pasta Salad
Fresh Fruit tray/dish
Veggie tray
***a head count would help me a lot to know how many pizza rolls to make, and also to know if we need to add more salad, fruit, or dessert!!!

Happy reading,


  1. I have a luscious jello fruit salad I will bring; also a heads up on the discussion of the book--since there is no discussion guide, I thought we might talk about a couple of ideas Sis. Okazaki:

    1. In discussing her ethnicity being a Japanese Buddist convert who married a non-member and worked full time I thought about the "Molly Mormon" stereotype of the stay-at-home mom who never dated non-members and had a pioneer heritage dating back to Joseph Smith. Is this a concept found in this bible-belt south? How do converts fit into this culture?

    2. Does anyone have examples of living the principle of the Church with different practices? What has worked for you?

    3. When Sis. Okazaki was called as RS president, she set a goal to help sister develop Spirituality . . . what is spirituality? How does one develop spirituality?

    4. What role does diversity play in the gospel?

    5. What is Sis. Okazaki's definition of charity? How do we apply this gospel concept?

    6. What concept of "Lighten Up" has made impression on your life that has made your life easier?

  2. Can I just say this site is awesome Sarah. When I "shared an announcement" it told me I was tech savvy :) made my day!!! Unfortunately I couldn't find a piece of chocolate to congratulate myself, maybe next time I'm tech savvy!!


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