The Witness Video Highlight
Key Doctrines
- D&C 130:18 - We will take knowledge with us
- God lives; He is our Father
- Marriage and children are promised to the faithful
- The Holy Ghost is real
- The adversary is real
- Jesus Christ lives; He loves us
- We can each gain a testimony
Call to Action
- Diligence, obedience, personal prayer, pondering, fasting and scripture study
- Understand that he is our father; treat parenthood as sacred
- Make and keep sacred covenants
- Righteous living
- Decide to follow the Savior and remain on His side
- Take upon us His name; follow Christ
- Gain our own personal testimony and share it
Promised Blessings
- Impressions, revelations, whispering of the Spirit, instruction from on high, will be taken with us into the next life
- Happiness at home
- Eternal marriage in this life or the next; eternal increase; all blessings
- Constant companionship of the Holy Ghost; know the truth; comfort, guidance and correction
- Protection from the Adversary and consequences of bad decisions if we aren't following Christ
- A light to follow; eternal life
- A testimony, an anchor and a sure knowledge; forgiveness of our sins