Sunday’s Lesson—January
“The Joy of Redeeming the Dead” by Richard G Scott
Sister Diane Bland..filling in for Sister Ivie taught our lesson today.
A Few Quotes from the Lesson:
Temple and family history work is one work divided into two parts. They are connected together like the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Some members may not be able to do both works because of health or distances to temples.
“I have learned that those who engage in family history research and then perform the temple ordinance work for those whose names they have found will know the additional joy of receiving both halves of the blessing.”6
Father in Heaven wants each of us to receive both parts of the blessing of this vital vicarious work. He has led others to show us how to qualify. It is up to you and me to claim those blessings.
Any work you do in the temple is time well spent, but receiving ordinances vicariously for one of your own ancestors will make the time in the temple more sacred, and even greater blessings will be received. The First Presidency has declared, “Our preeminent obligation is to seek out and identify our own ancestors.”7
Sister Bland led us in a discussion about what prevents us from getting involved in our family history……and then gave us
4 keys that will help us in overcoming these obstacles:
1- Evaluate your Priorities
2- Decide on what and where you will Sacrifice
3- Ask Heavenly Father for help
4-Be diligent—and do it!
She also passed out bookmarks with some great quotes about the importance and opportunity of getting our children and youth involved.
“Do you young people want a sure way to eliminate the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors.”—Elder Richard G. Scott
Quote from Sister Dalton
Young women and young men worldwide have been invited by prophets, seers, and revelators to search out their ancestors and take their own family names to the temple to perform baptismal ordinances for them. (See David A. Bednar, “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn,” Ensign, Nov. 2011, 24–27; Richard G. Scott, “The Joy of Redeeming the Dead,” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 93–95.) As more and more temples are built, the youth will be blessed and protected against the deceptions of the world as they engage in the work of salvation for their own family members and use technology for the purpose of turning the hearts of the children to the fathers and making their salvation possible. Doing this work will be a protection to our youth, and it is clear that the youth will play a great role in hastening the Lord’s work in these latter days.
We watched a short video from the church website and she showed us how to get into Youth and Family History on the LDS Website.
Rita Isabell and Diane from our RS.. Temple and Family History Committee have offered to come to your homes….to help get you started or to help in any way. Contact Rita to set this up.